In the village, you will get to see the villagers’ way-of-life as well as their daily activities. You will also get the chance to observe their homes which were built over a century ago. The popular spot for visitors is the cultural center located in Ban Napanat Moo 4. There you will find a Tai Dum-style model home. Their stilt houses are built of bamboo and straw, with a thatched roof. The interior is divided into separate rooms aligned in a row.
Once up the steps, the first door of the house is a ‘sacred’ room meant for household spirits that the Tai Dum believe in. Once past that room comes a large room, the largest in the house, meant for sleeping. The room has a stove which is placed at the feet of family members to keep warm. The last room in the house is the kitchen which has stairs leading out the house as well. Tai Dum customs dictate that only men are allowed to use the front stairs leading into the house; women have to use the back stairs.
If you see women underneath the stilt home of the cultural center, they are there to weave fabric after finishing daily chores. The weaving of fabric is a century old tradition that the Tai Dum maintain. The pattern design of the fabric is unique to the Tai Dum, beautiful, and intricate. The story behind the tradition tells the story of 3 sisters who had the idea of weaving a sarong.
The first sister came up with the design and method of weaving the fabric. Before it could be finished the first sister passed away. The second sister continued the work but also passed away before it could be finished. As for the third sister, she made a vow to the household spirits that the sarong would be worn whenever offerings are made. The spirits allowed her to finish the sarong. It is still worn today by the Tai Dum when making offerings.
At the cultural center, you will also find Tai Dum alphabets and more of their history. Visit the souvenir shop when you are done to buy some of their hand-made fabric, herbal soaps, and more.