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    theTripPacker •  August 01 , 2014

    Wat Phumin, the auspicious of Eastern Lanna

    Wat Phumin is a temple situated at Naiwiang subdistrict within the town of Nan near Wat Phra That Chang Voraviharn and the Nan National Museum. The ruler of Nan, Jetbuthr Prommin, ask for the temple to be built in BE 2139. In his sixth year as ruler, the temple was named Wat Prommin after him. Over time however, the temple has been called various names until it is known today as Wat Phumin.

    One of the highlights of this temple is the “Pra Ubosot Chaturamuk”, a cruciform Buddhist temple, and also the only temple in Thailand that combines a praying area, sanctuary, and pagoda in the same building. The temple is placed to map the universe according to Buddhist beliefs. There are 4 Buddha images facing the cardinal points; north, east, south, and west. From the outside, the temple seems as though it was built on the back of two nagas. This is to symbolize the continuity of the Buddhist faith.

    If you would like to make a wish, there is a belief that asking one of the four statues will make it come true. Look for the statue with the happier face; the other three look grumpier.

    • Posts-2
    theTripPacker •  August 01, 2014
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    theTripPacker •  August 01 , 2014

    Another highlight that makes this temple famous, are the murals inside the temple. The murals are divided into three parts. The first illustrates the way of life of local people. The second part shows the life of “Phra Teh Me”, and finally, the way of life of ancient Nan people. You can see images of the fashion back then, how they made silk and weaved clothes, as well as foreigners doing business with people of Nan. The biggest mural called “The Great Whisperers” showing men and women whispering to each other. You mustn’t miss this.

    If you visit the temple on Saturdays or Sundays, guides are available. The guides are lovely school children who will be glad to tell you everything they know for nothing more than your attention ☺. Donations are welcome.

    • Posts-4
    theTripPacker •  August 01, 2014

    Editor's Comment

    • Strong point:
    • The only tetrahedron Buddhist temple in Thailand, and the only temple to combine the praying area, sanctuary, and pagoda into one building. Famous murals painting, The Great Whisperers, are also inside the temple.
    • Weak point:
    • Few trees surround the temple, so it is advisable that you bring sunscreen on a hot day.
    • Conclusion:
    • A very old temple with a history as old as the town of Nan. If you have a chance to visit Nan, Wat Phumin is another spot that you cannot miss.
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    theTripPacker •  August 01 , 2014

    General Info

    Address : Pakong Rd., Wiang Tai subdistrict, Nan Town, Nan

    GPS : N18 46 28.56, E100 46 17.82

    Operating Hours : 6.00-18.00 Hrs.

    Best Time : Any time of the year

    Highlight : “Pra Ubosot Chaturamuk”, a tetrahedron Buddhist temple, and also the only temple in Thailand that combines a praying area, sanctuary, and pagoda in the same building. "The Great Whisperers," World's renowned mural paintings

    Activities : Sightseeing/Praying

    • Posts-6
    theTripPacker •  August 01 , 2014

    How to get there

    From Route 1091 leading into the town, take Suriyaphong Rd. to Suriyaphong-Pakong intersection. Look to your right and you will see the temple.

    • Posts-7
    theTripPacker •  August 01, 2014
    • Posts-8
    theTripPacker •  August 01, 2014